Animation for the “Defenders”

final-purple-defender final-yellow-defender final-blue-defender final-red-defender

These little babies are the final animations for the defender characters in the game! In all their shiny glory!


Animating a floating crystal is not exactly the hardest challenge animation wise, the hard part is to try and make it an interesting movement pattern! So I added the objects or shards that circle the body to give off more sense of motion and levitation.

the color on the body is slightly less saturated than the mask to give some sort of distinction between the two. I worked a lot with image reference to get the shape and light I wanted for the crystal. The final touch of the animation was to add a highlight that travels across the body, a given effect to make a crystal more interesting.

The lead artist on our project Camilla, really pushes me to perform better and make higher quality assets for the game! It is great to have someone who can kick you in the arse when you’re not doing the best that you can.

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