The project

It has been a while since my last post! Working on the first drafts for all the animations and map objects takes up most of my time right now. The focus for us artists on the project has been to create as much placeholder graphic as possible to fill out the alpha version of the game, these placeholders then works as the foundation for the final product. 

The best thing about working with first and second drafts and placeholder graphics, is in my opinion that it allows for a more accurate visualization of what the final stage of the graphics should look like. It also gives the artists more flexibility and room for late changes if adjustment to the game’s aesthetics would occur. The praxis for this project is to take ideas from brainstorming into many stages of sketching before making placeholders and then finally the refined end result.


Concept sketch of on of the four characters.



One of the many drafts towards the placeholder for the “defender” character.



The first step of working on the final draft for the character.





 Much of the graphic has changed in order to improve the overall clarity of the gameplay, for example we changed the body into a crystal to ease the transition into colorizing the body as well as the mask, this was done so that the player would more easily identify his/her character during the gameplay.

More updates will come as soon as I have time! thank’s for reading!  

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